“This gangsta price-list has more free stuff

than the stuff you pay for yo

so you might as well get your stuff together

and stay here forever

and stuff

-mountain haiku, unknown guest/author


Camping per night / Kampiranje po noćenju 1.11.-30.4.* 1.5.-30.6.
Adults / Odrasli 13,00 14,00 15,00
Children / Djeca (5 – 12) 6,00 7,00 8,00
Electricity / Ssstrujaaaa** 4,00 4,00 4,00
CCI, DCC, ACSI, CKE, ANWB, NWO, FBI, CIA, KGB… – 15% discount for CASH for CAMPING during the PERIOD of 1.9.-30.6.
*Please check if we are open during this period by calling o e-mailing
**Electricity is free for charging gadgets; you pay for connecting a vehicle or a portable refrigerator


Glamping per night / Glampiranje po noćenju
1 Adult 30,00
2+ Adults 20,00
Children / Djeca (5 – 12)* 10,00
Electricity / Ssstrujaaaa 4,00 
Glamping cijena uključuje sve: parking, posteljinu, izbacivanje skakavaca i boravišnu pristojbu
Glamping price is all-inclusive: parking, bed linen, bouncing grasshoppers, and tourist tax
*For groups of 1 adult + 1 child we charge as 2 adults /
Za grupe 1 odrasla osoba + 1 dijete cijena je kao za 2 odrasle osobe


Stuff / Stvarčice Fiat currency
Starlink WiFi Nula buraz
Late check out / Kasni check out Zero
Public refrigerators / Javni hladnjaci 無料
Emptying graywater / Pražnjenje otpadnih voda* Gratis
Filling camper’s water tank / Punjenje kampera vodom Vrij
Check In / Prijava حر
Children 0-4 / Djeca 0-4 Бесплатно
Electricity for gadgets / Struja  sa spravice Frei
Dogs or any pets / Peseki i sve životinje 自由的
Hugs from hosts / Zagrljaji domaćina Nada

*Only containers that you may take out and empty in our toilettes and WITHOUT CHEMICALS because of our BIOROCK wastewater treatment system. There is no facility for emptiying chemical toalettes at the camp so please empty yours before arrival if necessary. 

Obveznik hvala Bogovima nije u PDV sustavu / This entity is VAT free thanks Gods

Kamp Velebit zadržava pravo na promjene cijena i korištenje Đžedaij trikova

Kamp Velebit reserves the right to modify prices and pull Jedi tricks on you

Kamp Velebit / Baške Oštarije 5A, Baške Oštarije, 53288 Karlobag / Chief Camping Officer: Luka Žuženić

This is just another boring footer which you won’t read / Ovo je još samo jedan dosadni nožnik koji nećeš pročitati
