Camping Etiquette

“Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.”

– Laurence Sterne

Camping Etiquette


Arrival & Check In 
  • Check in by 21:00 unless directly arranged differently
  • Late arrivals should put up tents quietly and minimize activities around their pitch
  • Do not point flashlights into campers and tents


  • Driving Speed Limit in the camp is walking speed
  • Use roads and trails for mobility – the land around this camp is a private property
  • No open fire/BBQ except on designated campfire/BBQ area
  • You may use your cooking gear but your cooking flame has to be supervised at all times
  • You are solely responsible for your belongings and valuables


Cleanliness & Tidiness 
  • Please leave toilets, showers and sinks clean just like you found them
  • Do not leave your belongings lying around common areas
  • Keep kitchens clean, clutter-free and wash shared utensils after use so others can use them
  • You can use refrigerators free of charge but please keep your items organized and take everything before you leave


Dogs & Pets
  • Keep your pets leashed unless when playing or training (you won’t see them when they poop – you might think you will but in the end of the day, there is just a lot of poop lying around)
  • Some guests might be scared of dogs – another reason to control and keep pets leashed
  • Clean up after your pet and dispose waste into mixed waste bin
  • We love dogs btw and we are proud to be one of rare camps which does not charge fees for a single pet!


General Rules

  • Camp’s Quite Hours are from 22:00 – 07:00
  • Take care of your children
  • No visitors and unregistered guests



  1. Plan ahead and prepare: Poorly prepared people, when presented with unexpected situations, often resort to high-impact solutions that degrade the outdoors or put themselves at risk. Proper planning leads to less impact.
  2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces: Damage to land occurs when surface vegetation or communities of organisms are trampled beyond repair. The resulting barren area leads to unusable trails, campsites, and soil erosion.
  3. Dispose of waste properly: Trash and litter in the backcountry ranks high as a problem in the minds of many backcountry visitors. This will greatly detract from the naturalness of an area and could potentially cause greater environmental damage. If no trash receptacles are available, visitors should carry out all trash from what they have brought in. [6] Furthermore, backcountry campers create waste water from certain activities and fecal waste which requires proper disposal according to Leave No Trace principles. (Urinating in the woods is not a violation of Leave No Trace. However, if defecating one must not leave any toilet paper, and the waste is to be buried a certain distance from both paths and water sources).
  4. Leave what you find: Leave No Trace directs people to minimize site alterations by avoiding actions such as digging tent trenches, cutting branches from live trees, hammering nails into trees, permanently clearing an area of rocks or twigs, or removing other natural items.
  5. Minimize campfire impacts: Because the naturalness of many areas has been degraded by overuse of fires, Leave No Trace teaches to seek alternatives to fires or use low-impact fires.
  6. Respect wildlife: minimizing impact on wildlife and ecosystems.
  7. Be considerate of other visitors: Following hiking etiquette and maintaining quiet allows visitors to go through the wilderness with minimal impact on other users.

Source: Wikipedia

If you would like to learn a lot more about each principle have a look at this detailed article written by Mike Nicosia, founder of